Book Making, General, Printing, Uncategorized

Adapt and Alter – 30th October 2023

Lately life has been a bit complicated and not quite under my control, but that’s OK, however it has meant that time in the studio has been short and unpredictable. I have found that I have not been able to devote enough time and thought to a body of work, so I’ve been jumping around with all sorts of things. In many ways it has been quite liberating but now I find that I need to gather all those thoughts and experiments together and present myself with a rational plan about it all and where to go next.

There were ideas about prescribed stationery sizes that we all use and recognise, after my memory cards and loom cards, I have found myself drawn back to postcards and I have a set of those printed and not yet dry. More next time.

There were experiments using Hosho lightweight paper and coverless book formats.

Ideas around loose threads stitched into the antique textile fragments. Fragments always have interesting edges, they could be ripped, cut, worn out or have unpicked seams.

Old seams

Dart stitching

Two different weights of thread, mending, or an adaptation?

Many of my thoughts are moving towards adaptations of the past to meet the needs of the present. Whether it be darning a sleeve, shortening a hem, or creating postcards!

We all adapt and alter.