Book Making, General, Printing, Uncategorized

Alterations – 11th July 2023

I’ve been thinking much about alterations recently, it’s a theme that has often been considered during my years studying antique textiles. Today, much thought given today to up cycling textiles and clothing and the mending of clothing to prolong its life.

Being a post war baby these ideas have always been there for me, mending, reusing and restyling were a part of everyday life. Indeed the Brownies had a thrift badge and we were taught how to darn. I must have been less than ten. I then went on to make many of my clothes and soft furnishings and curtains. Many were altered over the years.

Many of my printing plates  have ‘life’ left in them as my editions of books are small and I have turned to the most recent of them to consider the theme of Alterations.

I have also been using a different paper to print on, Hosho, Japanese paper, 90gsm. Its been interesting using a different paper to my usual Somerset 250gsm, it’s softer, one side is slightly suede like and it takes a print beautifully.

Out of these thoughts came the book “Refashioning the Original”, it’s 13 x 6.5cm closed and I have used a printing plate designed from C18th heavily woven silk. The Hosho paper comes in a pad 38.5 x 28cm, which provides another challenge, to design a book different from my long concertina variations. It also has soft covers which is a departure for me.

I am often asked how I arrive at my different book structures, I play with paper, see my desk at the end of a session. The joy is being able to leave it all there until next time!