Book Making, Printing, Uncategorized

Looking Forwards – 16th January 2023

Whilst my book is winging its way to Australia and Fiona’s book is coming this way, my mind turned to other projects which had been roaming around in my head.

During consideration of ‘Shape’, I had worked out this configuration of small concertinas, by stitching them together I was able to form a long and complex book. By joining small concertinas together it was also possible to conquer the restrictive length of a print, in my case 75cm. This book measures almost 1.5metres.

I decided that I would make three books, all to be contained in a slip case.

I needed three plates, two I made and one I already had, these would be the backgrounds

Each plate needed to have the means to place small fragments into the design

And three plates for the small fragments.

Here all the components are laid out.

The first printing session involved printing 12 prints

The second session I printed about 100 small fragments of three different sizes, each shape from the same printing plate. For scale the largest fragment is 3cm square.

They are all now drying flat in the house where it is warmer. It will be a couple of weeks before I will be able to fold and stitch them together.